Friday, June 15, 2007


OMG YES!!! I'm outta school for the summer!! I can have all the time in the world to have fun!! My b/f is so HOT and he loves vampires just like me! It's SO amazing! Life is getting SO much better now... but it's going to be hard to avoide my dad grrr.... well........................................................................................... i relly like dots lol....................................... and swigallys..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
lol well I'm so much happier right now :P so i guess i better go.... I'll try and update later okay?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I'm sooo sorry!

I'm soo sorry... the past three days have been busy and emotional...... on the 1st i got a boyfriend... the 2nd i went to grad dance and was misarble cuz of a "someone"... and today my dad was being a dick.... so yea very busy weekend and not very fun either well gots to go bye people