Thursday, May 31, 2007

Almost spring fling! OMG IM NOT READY!!

Man, I'm soo freaking out! Spring Fling is this saturday and 7 and I have no idea how I am going to look! well g2g lots to do!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hey nobody said it had to hurt right?

Guess what? Wes broke up with me.. I know that you all think I should be crying and shit but hell, it help the pain i was feeling... so he more or less helped me out in the end.. seriously... it didn't hurt.... and hell I could go out with a freshman if I want to.... who knows.. well g2g ill update you tomorrow peace..

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Well here's today's update.... Wes has defiantly lost it.... he not mad o no he's worried and...scared? I found out from Momo that he is ignoring me cause he doesn't want to harm me..... and I'm sure ALL of you know what happened..... IT MADE IT WORST!! I cried ALL the way home..... so i was over heating, crying, and NOT paying attention...... (i almost got hit by a car) I know he's looking out for my best interest but he's has it backwards..... awe great here come the water works again.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! WHY ME!? I'm sick of it... why r boys so confusing? and why do they assume that a girl wants one thing when she wants something else?? i don't know why but if you d can you tell me? i really need the help..

Boys Bite

You know how you feel when your pride is harmed? Well that's what my boyfriend has done to me.... only ten thousand times more.... tell me does this sound right? You walking along with you b/f (or g/f w/e) and you friend and all of a sudden he (or she) starts acting like they don't even know who you are? o and on top of that my step bro Mike got kicked out of my dads house and idk if i should keep going there or go to court so i never have to see him again.. and well I'm sick and tired of it! i should sooo turn goth seeing as how i can keep my life strait n e more grrrrr.....